
“Love what Britt Ivy is doing here. Speaking up on behalf of the living victims of abortion. When she talks about serving a self-imposed life sentence for ending her children’s lives, you step into the eternal anguish with her. Offering hope to women who suffer silently is bold and beautiful. I’m going to be directing every woman I know who’s struggling with post-abortion issues of any kind to Britt.” ❤️‍🩹
Eric Mathis
CEO and Co-Founder
Human Archetype

“Working with Britt has literally been life changing – as a wife, mother, artist, and entrepreneur. My priorities have been clarified, my marriage has improved, and I’ve learned to insert healthy self care into my lifestyle while creating more abundance in my business!” 🎀
Jenny B.
CEO and Mother

“After losing my job, I was really struggling. Britt helped me focus on finding solutions instead of focusing on the problem. Her joyful encouragement and practical straightforward suggestions helped me move forward with renewed purpose and hope.” 🌼
Biologist and Professional Dancer

“After working with Britt, I was finally able to create a niche for my personal style coaching business. Instead of being constantly drained, I feel energized. I have so much more happiness and peace in my daily life. I’m so excited to move ahead and help others transform their lives!” 💜
Jennifer W.
Makeup Artist and Style Coach