
We’re passionate about giving back. When we partner, a portion of every dollar you spend goes to the following philanthropic organizations:

Our mission is to help Christian, heart-centered, loving women of faith who have suffered for years from the symptoms of abortion trauma solidify their healing journey, breaking unhealthy patterns to courageously live their best lives.

Our mission is to cross boundaries and break down barriers, to build bridges that bring people to the love and hope found in Jesus Christ.

“Do you hear it? Listen. Not with your ears, but with your heart. It’s a cry… echoing around the world. It’s the cry of Antonia, living in tormenting fear with their children in a Nicaraguan garbage dump with only a cardboard shack to keep out the rain and wild animals. We heard her cry and built her a permanent, concrete block home with a garden and a chicken coop, so they don’t have to eat garbage anymore. Now she can learn a new skill to earn a living and break the cycle of poverty forever. There are hundreds of other moms just like her, still crying.”

Every warrior has a next mission. We know that the transition to civilian life is a journey. And for every warrior, family member, and caregiver, that journey looks different. We are here for their first step, and each step that follows. Because we believe that every warrior should have a positive future to look forward to. There’s always another goal to achieve, another mission to discover. We are their partner in that mission.

Saint Matthew’s Churches is ecumenical in our scope and nature. We reach out with love, compassion, and understanding to people of all backgrounds regardless of their ethnic group, creed or gender. One of the ways in which Saint Matthew’s Churches reaches out to the community is to hungry people. St. Matthew’s food pantry feeds poor and underprivileged people every month.

Child Evangelism Fellowship is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living.

Students for Life Action wants to help you and your group abolish abortion, kick Planned Parenthood out of your community, and create a life-affirming society. Our team is happy to help any pro-life individual and group. Please see below for to learn more about our staff and how we can help you.

An unexpected pregnancy comes with a lot of different feelings: fear, confusion and anger are just some that you may be experiencing. It is difficult to make a decision when you are under stress and feeling overwhelmed. You may think that suddenly your life is spinning out of control. This is the time to talk with someone who can objectively give you the information you will need to make the best decision. The Pregnancy Center provides a safe place for you to express your deepest thoughts about YOUR pregnancy. We understand that you may need a place to process, to think through all of your options, to feel safe and share what is on your mind. Before you decide, get all the facts you need to help you make a decision you can live with. The choice is YOURS.